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MongoDB Compass

Interface Settings

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You can customize MongoDB Compass to meet your specific needs on the Compass interface. Some options are only available in the Settings panel.

If you have already configured Compass settings on the command line or in a configuration file, you cannot modify those settings in the Compass interface.

To open the MongoDB Compass Settings Panel, click the gear icon on the left column of the Compass home screen.

Settings gear icon location on MongoDB Compass UI

Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts to open the Settings panel:

  • Windows / Linux: Ctrl + ,

  • Mac: + ,

Compass opens a dialog box where you can configure your MongoDB Compass settings.

You can also open the the Compass Settings panel when connected to your cluster by doing the following:

  1. Click the next to your cluster name.

  2. Select Compass Settings from the dropdown.

You can configure the following settings on the MongoDB Compass interface:


Set Read-Only Mode


Remove all write and delete capabilities on Compass.

To learn more, see Restrict Write Operations to MongoDB.

Enable MongoDB Shell


Enable or disable the embedded MongoDB Shell on Compass.

If you select Set Read-Only Mode, Compass automatically disables the Enable MongoDB Shell setting.

To learn more, see Disable the Embedded MongoDB Shell.

Protect Connection String Secrets


Sets all connection strings as read-only. Passwords in connection strings display as *****.

If protectConnectionStrings is enabled, Compass disables the Edit connection string option and hides the Edit connection string toggle.

To learn more, see Hide Credentials in Your Connection String.

Default Sort for Query Bar


Defines how Compass sorts documents.

To learn more, see Set Default Sort Order.

Show Kerberos Password Field


Show or hide the Kerberos password field on the Compass connection form.

To learn more, see Display the Kerberos Password Field.

Upper Limit for maxTimeMS for Compass Database Operations


Specify an upper time limit for all Compass database operations.

Enable DevTools


Enable Chrome DevTools.

To learn more, see Toggle Chrome DevTools.

Install Compass as URL Protocol Handler


Register Compass as a handler for mongodb:// and mongodb+srv:// URLs.

If Install Compass as URL Protocol Handler is enabled, you can open Compass by navigating to a mongodb:// or mongodb+srv:// URL in your browser.

By default, Install Compass as URL Protocol Handler is enabled. You cannot toggle this option on Linux. You can toggle this setting only on Windows or macOS.

Show Quit Confirmation Dialog


Specify whether a confirmation dialog shows when quitting Compass. You can also check the Do not ask again checkbox on the quit dialog to disable this setting.

The quit dialog is also shown when quitting with the keyboard shortcut:ctrl + Q on Windows or cmd + Q on Mac.

Sync with OS


Automatically switch between light and dark themes based on your OS settings.

Light Mode


Use a light theme.

Dark Mode


Use a dark theme.

Enable Automatic Updates


Allow Compass to periodically check for new updates.

Enable Geographic Visualizations


Allow Compass to make requests to third-party mapping services.

Enable Usage Statistics


Allow Compass to send anonymous usage statistics.

To learn more, see Configure Telemetry Options.

Give Product Feedback


Allow our Product team to occasionally reach out for feedback about Compass.

No Proxy

Proxy Configuration

Do not use a proxy server.

System Proxy

Proxy Configuration

Specify a comma-separated list of hostnames and IP addresses to exclude from proxying.

Manual Configuration

Proxy Configuration

Specify a http://, https://, socks5:// or pac+https:// URL to proxy. You can optionally specify a username and password. You can also specify a comma-separated list of hostnames and IP addresses to exclude from proxying.

Browser command to use for OIDC Authentication


Specify the browser that Compass redirects you to when authenticating with the identity provider.

Show Device Auth Flow Checkbox


Show a check box on the connection form to enable the device authentication flow. This provides the option to enable a less secure authentication flow as a fallback when browser-based authentication is unavailable.

Stay logged in with OIDC


Remain logged in when using the MONGODB-OIDC authentication mechanism.

Enable AI Features

Artificial Intelligence

Enables natural language querying and allows the use of AI features in Compass which make requests to 3rd party services.

Enable sending sample field values

Artificial Intelligence

Enables sharing of sample field values with the MongoDB AI provider. This setting can improve responses from natural language querying prompts.

